1.2) Downloading Latest NHIF Tariffs
The price package for each facility can be obtained using the API Call specifying the facility Code as shown below:
(i) NHIF Price List Without Excluded Service
A successful Calling of the url provided below will give a JSON Document that will have the price package for a specified Facility Code. In this result, the PackageID has a very great significance.
https://verification.nhif.or.tz/claimsserver/api/v1/Packages/GetPricePa ckage?FacilityCode=Your_Facility_Code
Example https://verification.nhif.or.tz/claimsserver/api/v1/Packages/GetPricePackage?FacilityCode=
This will give the following result:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
The information provided in the JSON Document contains the following important fields for integrators:
FieldName | Description | Data Type |
ItemCode | A unique code for each service issued by NHIF. | Text |
ItemName | Service Name | Text |
PackageID | ID of the price package. NHIF maintain different packages | Integer |
UnitPrice | Price for a single unit of Item or Service | Decimal (18,2) |
IsRestricted | A flag showing whether the service has restriction or not. If a service has restriction the beneficiary must get approval from NHIF before he/she can access that service. | Boolean |
(ii) NHIF Price List With Excluded Service
To get NHIF price list with excluded service, please call the url provided below:
Example: https://verification.nhif.or.tz/claimsserver/api/v1/Packages/GetPricePackageWithExcludedServices?FacilityCode=01099
This will give the following result:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 |
The information provided in the JSON Document contains the following important fields for integrators:
FieldName | Description | Data Type |
ItemCode | A unique code for each service issued by NHIF. | Text |
ItemName | Service Name Text SchemeID ID of the scheme subscribed by NHIF member | Integer |
PackageID | ID of the price package. NHIF maintain different packages for different schemes | Integer |
UnitPrice | Price for a single unit of Item or Service | Decimal (18,2) |
IsRestricted | A flag showing whether the service has restriction or not. If a service has restriction the beneficiary must get approval from NHIF before he/she can access that service. | Boolean |
Excluded Services
FieldName | Description | Data Type |
ItemCode | A unique code for each service issued by NHIF. | Text |
SchemeID | ID of the scheme subscribed by NHIF member | Integer |
ExcludedForProducts | List of ProductCode separated by comma | Text |
NHIF member authorized above is eligible to service enlisted only in the Price Package under his/her schemeID provided that this schemeID
and ProductCode
are not found in the list of Excluded Services for that particular service.